Getting started!
To use Hathor in your own project, you can easily use the latest css release file.
Understand Hathor
Hathor is build from Developers for Developers. Our intention is to bring all material design features to projects without using overloaded frameworks or script languages like scss. To include a section in your HTML code to Hathor working area, simple add the class "htr" to it. After this, all base settings like fonts, paddings etc. would be initialized for this section.
<body class="htr">
<!-- Insert your code -->
Code design
We recommend to use HTML5 elements to write comprehensible and modern code.Please note, that Hathor is not a class based css framework. To optimize the ussability we using attributes for building styled objects.
<body class="htr">
<!-- A grid example with sidebar navigation -->
<aside fs="d0" fe="d2" depth="4">
<main fs="d2" fe="d12">
- Flexbox
- Perspectives
- Utils
- Themes
- Buttons
- Inputs
- Sidebar
- Links
- Timing
- Fade animations
- Delay
- Tables
- Charts
- Alerts
Include a theme
A theme can be simple include by using the "theme" attribute.
<body class="htr" theme="green">
<!-- A grid example with sidebar navigation -->
<aside fs="d0" fe="d2" depth="4" theme="red">
<main fs="d2" fe="d12">